Comprehensive & Cosmetic Dentistry


We offer patients the option to receive comprehensive dental care under conscious sedation. In addition to our restorative procedures, our practice focuses on cosmetic and implant dentistry. Every mouth is different, and every patient has their own needs and expectations for their smile. So whether you’d like your teeth to be whiter, an old filling replaced, or if you simply need a regular exam and cleaning, contact Drs. Clarkson and Newell today!

Comprehensive & Cosmetic Dentistry

I know that your practice offers a wide range of restorative and cosmetic procedures, but what about regular exams and cleanings; do you offer those as well?

The foundations for good dental health are good habits. In addition to regular brushing, flossing, and avoiding overindulgence in sweet foods and beverages, regular dental exams and cleanings are necessary for keeping your teeth as healthy and attractive as possible. Whether all of your teeth are sparkling and healthy or need extensive work done, a visit to the office of Dr. Newell and Dr. Clarkson will help keep your smile as beautiful as it can be.


I’m simply not happy with the way my smile looks. I’m not in any pain at the moment, but my teeth are simply not as white as I’d like them to be, and several are somewhat misaligned. Is there anything I can do?

Cosmetic dentistry has become an increasingly popular choice for people who are unhappy with the appearance of their smile. From teeth whitening, to porcelain veneers which improve the whiteness and shape of teeth, to dental bonding and whole smile makeovers, we offer a complete range of cosmetic procedures and products for our patients to look and feel their best. Exactly which procedure will help you achieve your goals can be determined during a consultation with Dr. Clarkson or Dr. Newell. Contact our office and we’ll help you determine which cosmetic option will produce the results you’re looking for.

I’ve always been very nervous about going to the dentist. It isn’t the pain that bothers me, really; I’m just not comfortable with any aspect of it. But my teeth badly need attention. Is there anything I can do?

Many people are apprehensive about visiting the dentist, for a wide variety of reasons. Some people postpone necessary dental work so long that their anxiety over the procrastination becomes just as bad as the pain from their teeth. Others are ashamed to have someone thoroughly inspect their teeth, as they know they have neglected them. Still others are simply scared of the drill or even just the sound of the drill.

These anxieties are nothing to be embarrassed about, and they no longer have to prevent you from enjoying good oral and dental hygiene. Sedation dentistry involves administering sedatives along with anesthesia to soothe the nerves of anxious patients.

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